Tuesday, December 11, 2012


......... No one succeeds alone. I had a tit bit cut out from the Botswana advertiser with this message and I had it on my mirror for quite a while, everyday as I got ready for work it would humble me and remind me that everything I had and everything I was getting came directly form someone else. my advice to you,

return the favor.    

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


I have learnt to love failure over the years, four years have passed since the last post and in that time I fearlessly sold travel packages, started a small distribution company had an office and all the bells and whistles, gave out small loans to students, repackaged and retailed cleaning chemicals, took night classes for a real estate agency licence, brokered loans for micro lenders, sold shelf companies and within the same space of time I ended up owing the bank, taxes, dropped out of two schools, lost my company to a greedy partner and got kicked out of my uncles place (by my uncle). So whats to love here? well its the school of hard knocks the lessons I have learnt are permanent empowerment. .

Lessons 1 
·         Burning all bridges: going to work everyday with no money in your pocket or P3.30 at the most puts you in a position where you CANT  fail, for the most part of 2011’s last quarter prospecting was not an option whether the money was there or not.

 You see buy getting in front of clients every day the thought that you have no money to go back home with becomes laughable because you know you have put food on the table for the long haul, this builds up your confidence and because you don’t look so desperate anymore people become more willing to help you out that day,

 No one feels sorry for someone who feels sorry for themselves .     

·         Too hungry to cook?  Here in this question lies the answer to beating procrastination, so lets dig in deeper  if you were me a year ago you would be excused as you would not have any gas or food to speak of but alas I did have noodles, which ill get to later.

 The thing is our brains are instinctively programmed to gravitate towards pleasure  and to completely avoid pain, so there you are sitting comfortably on the couch watching your favorite chick flick or expendables two for all I care and you get a rumbling in your belly, your getting a tad bit hungry but the pots are dirty and the movie is just heating up you consider all the labor and how comfy you are and decide to let it wait , besides this is your favorite part in the movie and just like that you have justified your current position with a few more positive reasons.

But slowly you start loosing concentration, your belly is roaring off  and you start feeling weak in that big comfy couch, is it worth it now ? you ponder, I am sure theirs at lest one clean thing of every thing  and I could wash all the grime at once on a full stomach! All of a sudden  the prospect of leaving that couch which now feels like a grave is much more promising . Procrastination is temporary ,the pain of hunger will eternally be greater that that of cooking !  even the book of proverbs says it “ the laborer is motivated by his hunger”

Its not a joke when I say I lived on noodles and they weren't so bad, nice compact packaging tasty seasoning and only took two minutes to prepare, but their deception deprived me of rich wholesome meals this is sophisticated procrastination where you “noodle up” a string of small rewarding activities to avoid the bigger stressful annoying but supremely more rewarding task .

Go out and cook BIG DEALS!                      
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